Ythan Summer Picnic – 30/06/19

About Ythan CC Forums The Club Run Ythan Summer Picnic – 30/06/19

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    • #1016

      As mentioned in the Blog, I think it’d be interesting to do something a little different for a Club run in the summer… So the proposal is for a social picnic somewhere. It’ll obviously be weather dependent, with a call made on the day about whether or not it actually happens! The group ride will also need to start later as there’s no point in planning a picnic lunch and arriving there at 10:30…
      The bare bones of the plan are:
      – depart the Ellon Academy campus at c.11:00AM
      – ride to the designated picnic venue
      – show off how much picnic gear you’ve managed to cram into a saddlebag and eat excessive quantities of scotch eggs, cucumber sandwiches and pork pies
      – ride home

      The venue is the hard bit, but I think Aden offers a good option. There’s a good 25 mile route via Collieston, Hatton and Clola. There’s an option to ride out the railway line (with QL friendly options to start some way along the line); public toilets and plenty of space to stake our claim to a premium picnic spot.

      Let us know if you’re interested, have an idea for a better venue, change in format, etc!

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