In light of recent Government announcements, Scottish Cycling have updated their advice for us. You can read the full details here, but the key points for us are:
- We’re allowed to exercise outdoors more than once a day!
- Ride solo, or only with members of your own household.
- Stay at least two meters apart from any other road user, including pedestrians (which is a huge challenge on mixed use paths).
- Ride from your home – driving somewhere with your bike is still not allowed.
- Ride (relatively) close to home; local loops are fine, but avoid the epic rides for the time being. You could, I suppose, ride the Kinharrachie – Ythanbank – Methlick – Tarves loop five times but, without the option to stop at the Murly or Formartines for refreshment, that’ll eventually get rather dull.
- Ride responsibly! Meaning, be self reliant and don’t take unnecessary risks.
Events & Club Activities
All BC / SC sanctioned events remain suspended until (at least) June 30th. Similarly, all YCC activities also remain suspended until June 30th, including the club run and Confined TT.
Even if everything miraculously returns to a pre-Covid normal on July 1st, the remainder of the 2020 season will inevitably be re-organised into a highly compressed schedule and the active events are likely to be over subscribed.
In the meantime, there are few YCC meet-ups being organised in Zwift. You don’t need the latest smart trainer to participate; it’s possible to participate with a standard turbo trainer. But while virtually riding alongside other club members’ virtual avatars is fine, the real value comes if you also run the Discord app on your phone. Hearing real voices in a group conversation can be a real boost! A note of caution though… When the virtual gradient kicks up and everyone in the group is working hard, the Discord audio can sound a little, well, dodgy. You have been warned!