Ythan Cycling Club (Ythan pronounced as in ‘Python’) is a BC (British Cycling) and CTT (Cycling Time Trials) affiliated cycling club based in the heart of North Aberdeenshire. We have over 100 members whose interests cover road racing, time trialing, sportives, mountain biking, CX, triathlon, occasional touring and, of course, the Sunday social Club Run. Ythan CC enjoys particularly strong female representation; Ythan ladies account for almost a third or total membership and are active in almost every aspect of club activity, including triathlon, road racing, time trialling and sportives.

Ythan CC has a strong tradition of support for youth riders, with the QL (Quines and Loons) active on Saturday mornings throughout the year. Ythan’s accredited coaches lead the QLs through structured training sessions, developing competence and confidence on the bike as well as building towards competitive success.
Would you like to know more?
Ythan CC prefers to restrict its online presence to club members only. The best way to find out what’s going on is therefore to email us (using the contact form here); or come and join us on the Club Run. Use these links to find out more about club membership, the Club Run or the QLs!