A brief update with some dates for your diary…
First up, this weekend sees the clocks change. Yep – in case the cold starts, pitch dark mornings and the transfer of leaves from trees to the road hadn’t already alerted you, British Summer Time comes to an end on Sunday 27th October. Amongst all those other changes, the return to GMT means that the Club Run switches to it’s winter timetable. The start point remains unchanged at the Community Campus, but rides will start at 09:30.
Two dates for your diary:
Sunday December 22nd – The Annual Ythan Christmas Jumper Ride!
It’s your annual opportunity to dress yourself in the worst season knitwear you can find, dress your bike in fairy lights and hope that the designated route avoids any centres of population where you might be recognised (hint; it won’t!). The straightforward plan is to enjoy the festive club run, then immediately retire to either DogTap or OverWorks (which depends on where we can get a table booked) for a few carbohydrate enriched recovery drinks and some grub too. Lets hope that the weather co-operates.
Tuesday November 19th – Ythan Curry Night
Another annual Ythan outing, but no bikes required! Our annual curry night will be hosted at the Nosheen in Ellon.
Give us an idea of how many to book for at both events, here.